# Bare Metal C on the Teensy 3.1

As a follow on from my previous post about writing bare metal assembly on the Teensy 3.1 I wanted to see what it would take to port it to C. There where a few bits missing from the assembly example that are more important in the C port, which I will cover in this post.

The final source can be found in this GitHub repository and only contains two files: the c source and the linker script.

# The Linker Script

The linker script is similar to the assembly example, just with a couple of additions. We will skip over the MEMORY block as it is identical to the assembly example.

C places all const variables inside a section called .rodata, which we place after the code section with by adding the following to the end of the .text section in the SECTIONS block.

# layout.ld

    . = 0x00000000;
    .text : {
        KEEP(*(.vectors)) /* vectors must be placed first - page 63*/
        . = 0x400;
        KEEP(*(.flashconfig*)) /* flash configuration starts at 0x400 - page 569 */
        . = ALIGN(4);
    } > FLASH

Next we define the .data section. This is where C will place all initialized global variables, which should be placed in RAM as it can be modified.

# layout.ld

    .data : {
        . = ALIGN(4);
        _sdata = .;
        . = ALIGN(4);
        _edata = .;
    } > RAM AT > FLASH

We cannot store the initial values of variables directly in RAMas it is volatile. Instead we want to reserve space in RAM for them, but actually store them in the FLASH section. This will allow us to copy them from FLASH to RAM at runtime when the chip resets. We tell the linker to do this with > RAM AT > FLASH.

To copy the data at runtime we need to know the start and end address of the data in RAM, which we store in the variables _sdata and _edata. We also need to know where the data starts in FLASH, which we obtain using LOADADDR and store in _sflashdata. This must be located outside as it references the whole data block, it is place it at the top for convenience.

# layout.ld

_sflashdata = LOADADDR(.data);

Note that we place two bits in the .data section. .data which contains the uninitialized variables and .fastrun which can contain any code that we want copied to RAM to ensure it can be loaded faster when executed.

The uninitialized variables are easier to deal with as we don't need to worry about copying them from FLASH. C stores them in a section called .bss. That is what we create next, again storing the start and end in _sbss and _ebss.

# layout.ld

    .bss : {
        . = ALIGN(4);
        _sbss = .;
        . = ALIGN(4);
        _ebss = .;
    } > RAM

# The C Code

The C code is a port of the assembly code and contains all the major parts including, the exception vectors, flash configuration, start up code, the main loop and functions for turning the led on/off and a simple delay.

We start with some macros definitions that will allow us to write to various memory locations by name rather then their actual address.

#define WDOG_UNLOCK  (*(volatile unsigned short *)0x4005200E) // Watchdog Unlock register
#define WDOG_STCTRLH (*(volatile unsigned short *)0x40052000) // Watchdog Status and Control Register High
#define GPIO_CONFIG  (*(volatile unsigned short *)0x40048038)
#define PORTC_PCR5   (*(volatile unsigned short *)0x4004B014) // PORTC_PCR5 - page 223/227
#define GPIOC_PDDR   (*(volatile unsigned short *)0x400FF094) // GPIOC_PDDR - page 1334,1337
#define GPIOC_PDOR   (*(volatile unsigned short *)0x400FF080) // GPIOC_PDOR - page 1334,1335

You should recognize these values from the assembly example and can all be found in the programmers manual. They have all been brought to the top to make their definitions reusable and the code easier to read.

Then we declare the linker script variables and the functions we will use later.

extern unsigned long _sflashdata;
extern unsigned long _sdata;
extern unsigned long _edata;
extern unsigned long _sbss;
extern unsigned long _ebss;
extern unsigned long _estack;

void startup();
void nim_handler();
void hard_fault_handler();
void mem_fault_handler();
void bus_fault_handler();
void usage_fault_handler();
void loop();
void led_on();
void led_off();
void delay(int ms);

We define the exception vectors as an array of const function pointers and assign the function we want to handle each interrupt. Like in the assembly example we need to tell gcc that this code should be placed in the .vectors section which is done with the attribute flag. The used attribute flag tells gcc the code is used and to not remove it during the optimization process.

__attribute__ ((section(".vectors"), used))
void (* const _vectors[7])(void) = {
  (void (*)(void))((unsigned long)&_estack),

We then do something similar for the .flashconfig section using an array of unsigned chars.

__attribute__ ((section(".flashconfig"), used))
const unsigned char flashconfigbytes[16] = {
  0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF,
  0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFE, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF

The startup code is also similar to the assembly example but now also initializes the global variables in ram. But first we unlock and disable the watchdog.

The startup code expands upon the assembly example, it now also initializes the global variables in ram for the rest of the program to use. But like in the assembly we first need to unlock and disable the watchdog.

__attribute__ ((section(".startup")))
void startup() {
  WDOG_UNLOCK  = ((unsigned short)0xC520);
  WDOG_UNLOCK  = ((unsigned short)0xD928);
  WDOG_STCTRLH = ((unsigned short)0x01D2);

Then we immediately setup the global variables before anything else attempts to use them. This is simply done by copying the .data location in FLASH to its location in RAM, then zeroing the .bss section in RAM.

  unsigned long *src = &_sflashdata;
  unsigned long *dest = &_sdata;

  while (dest < &_edata) *dest++ = *src++;
  dest = &_sbss;
  while (dest < &_ebss) *dest++ = 0;

And the rest of startup simply configures the GPIO pins as we did in the assembly example before jumping into the loop.

  // Enable system clock on all GPIO ports - page 254
  GPIO_CONFIG = ((unsigned short)0x00043F82); // 0b1000011111110000010
  // Configure the led pin
  PORTC_PCR5 = ((unsigned short)0x00000143); // Enables GPIO | DSE | PULL_ENABLE | PULL_SELECT - page 227
  // Set the led pin to output
  GPIOC_PDDR = ((unsigned short)0x20); // pin 5 on port c


Our loop is also similar to the assembly example, the major difference is we initialize a variable to pass to delay. This is done simply to verify that the .data section is initialize correctly by our startup code.

int n = 1000; // Used to test if the data section is copied correctly
void loop() {
  while (1) {

The rest of the functions do the same thing as they did in the assembly example.

void led_on() {
  GPIOC_PDOR = ((unsigned short)0x20);

void led_off() {
  GPIOC_PDOR = ((unsigned short)0x0);

void delay(int ms) {
  volatile unsigned int i;
  for (i = 0; i <= ms * 2500; i++) {;}

Finally all of the exception handlers are defined to simply lockup the CPU by busy looping.

void nim_handler() { while (1); }
void hard_fault_handler() { while (1); }
void mem_fault_handler() { while (1); }
void bus_fault_handler() { while (1); }
void usage_fault_handler() { while (1); }

# Compile and upload

To compile and upload we swap out the assembler for the c compiler and add the -nostdlib and -c flags to stop gcc including the std libraries and to tell it to compile without linking.

arm-none-eabi-gcc -mcpu=cortex-m4 -mthumb -nostdlib -c -o crt0.o crt0.c
arm-none-eabi-ld -T layout.ld -o crt0.elf crt0.o
arm-none-eabi-objcopy -O ihex -R .eeprom crt0.elf crt0.hex
echo "Reset teensy now"
teensy-loader-cli -w --mcu=mk20dx256 crt0.hex

# Conclusion

Although better then the assembly example there are still some missing bits. Most notably we have not setup the heap or malloc therefore cannot dynamically allocate memory. I would still recommend using a more polished base for any real project such as form the teensy project (mk29dx128.c, mk20dx256.ld) which you will see share many similar parts as explained in this post.