# Another Bash Strict Mode
I have been using Aaron Maxwell's Unofficial Bash Strict Mode for many years now and it has saved my loads of time if finding and fixing buggy bash scripts. The main problem I now encounter is scripts that fail silently (or far from the last command that output anything). To solve this I have started to use the following variant.
set -uo pipefail
trap 's=$?; echo "$0: Error on line "$LINENO": $BASH_COMMAND"; exit $s' ERR
The major problem with set -e
and set -o pipefail
is that they are silent
forcing you have to rely the output of the failed command to debug your script.
But not all commands fail loudly and when they do they don't tell you where in
your script they failed.
Error traps can give you more information, anything that is available to the
bash shell at the time they where triggered. Most usefully the command that
and the line number $LINENO
that command was on.